The Chief Justice, Attorney General, and the Uganda Law Council, why are you silent as a grave injustice is being carried out?

Lawyers from Ojambo and Ojambo Advocates are trying everything by hook or crook to get bail for two convicts.

The two; Reagan Ssetongo and Khalifa Labibi were sentenced to six years in prison for aggravated robbery and assault crimes they committed in Kiryadongo.

The lawyers led by Humphrey Tumwesigye and Robert Ojambo put in a bail application at Masindi High Court, a thing that many lawyers feel is unlawful since they have not put an appeal against the ruling.

It should be noted that Ssetongo and Labibi are key witnesses in a case at Mwanga II
Court in Kampala against Pastor Robert Kayanja for defamation and trespass.

How Reagan working under the supervision of one Isreal Wasswa led a number of youth to storm Miracle Center demanding salary coupled with allegations of being sodomized by Pastor Robert Kayanja despite being fully paid by the time they attacked the holy place.

The two lawyers are determined to go to all lengths to get the two convicts bail hence laying to Magistrate Grade 1 Adams Byarugaba last Wednesday 13th of December 2023.

Being the defense lawyers in the case, they didn’t show up in Court under false excuses. Lead lawyer Tumwesigye claimed that he had a case at the High Court in the presence of Alex Agigi representing one Joseph Ssentamu.

However, State Attorney Jonathan Muwaganya told Grade I Magistrate Adams Byarugaba that he inquired and found out that the only case at the High Court with the said Judge Agigi was a murder case and Tumwesigye wasn’t the lawyer in it.

The second lawyer, Ojambo also didn’t show up with an excuse of attending a burial. In a twist of events his colleague Tumwesigye changed his earlier excuse of being at the High Court and claimed he had escorted Ojambo for the burial.

It was later discovered that the two were in Masindi pushing for bail for the two convicts and the big question is, why are the two lawyers hellbent on pushing the matter outside the law?

Will this really be justice for Mr. Patrick Turyatemba who they attacked at his home in Kigumba at 1:00 am and asked for coffee malt but when he refused to serve them they decided to fight him and sprayed him with pepper?

Well, this bothers a normal brain why don’t these lawyers want the two witnesses to appear in the Mwanga II court and can the Chief Justice and Uganda Law Council prevail over this?

If such lawyers can play such games in cases that involve prompt persons, how about for Omuntu Wawansi?

However, things didn’t go on well and the appearance of the Judge in Masindi was pushed to Friday with the two trying to fool the presiding judge claiming that the convicts were actually on remand.

But the Judge stuck to his guns and the lawyers, tails between their legs admitted that the two had been convicted.

It should be remembered that Ssentongo while working under the supervision of Isreal Waiswa led a number of youths to violently storm Rubaga Miracle Centre claiming they were owed monies and had also been Sodomised by Pastor Robert Kayanja.

In due course, the youth were submitted to medical checks which turned out negative. This means that SSENTONGO is a key witness in the case at Mwanga 2 Court.

One then wonders why someone is trying to get them bail when the case has reached a crucial stage. Is it a case of a drowning man grasping at straws?

What also beats our understanding is the fact that the two were convicted and therefore can only get bail after an APPEAL in the High Court!

However, they have not appealed and are simply seeking bail. So one asks who really wants them to be bailed and will go to all lengths of sending senior lawyers like Ojambo and also having them skip a court session.


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