David Mukulu’s Kyeyo dream made him tarnish Pastor Kayanja’s name


David Mukulu’s Kyeyo dream made him tarnish Pastor Kayanja’s name

Man Jose Kayima

Each and everyday the plot to tarnish the name of Pastor Robert Kayanja of Rubaga Miracle centre using sodomy allegations reveals new twists.

In the latest revelations a group of youth linked to the main accusers David Asiimwe alias David Mukulu and Bayichi Mapengo, the whole plot was masterminded at Christian life church in Bwayise with a promise of hefty sums of money if the said youth would go live on social media and say Pastor Kayanja sodomised them.

” We were chilling one day as a group of five when David Asiimwe alias David Mukulu told us he had a hot deal that would earn us good money,” David Kawooya alias David Muto reveals.

He adds that Like any other person the chance to make them get an extra buck excited them.

“He told Norlan Kyazze, Godfrey Ngusi aka Ricky Montana, Bayiichi Mapengo and I about a certain rich man who would give us good money if we carried out a good a secret mission for him.”

He says that they were taken to Christian life church in Bwayise where they met a certain junior pastor who will be revealed in due course who told them that Pastor Ssenyonga would give them good money if they went before cameras and alleged that Pastor Robert Kayanja had sodomised them.

“Kyazze, Ricky man and I developed cold feet because we knew that that would be spoiling the name of an innocent and kind man who had welcomed us into the Miracle centre family with open hands.”

Muto states that they knew David Mukulu was desperately looking for money to travel abroad for greener pastures but they didnt expect him to stop this low.

“David always had a dream to travel to Canada for kyeyo and he was desperately looking for money to do so. The original plan was to get to canada and make the sodomy allegations but when some of us refused I think the plot fell through.”

Godfrey Ngusi and Josh Wafula say that they have known David for quiet sometime ever since they joined Miracle centre cathedral and that David Mukulu would confide in them that he needed a better life and would do anything to travel abroad to Canada.

“David Mukulu was initially a good church boy but then we started seeing him associate with a certain man who lives in Mengo and is known in the football circles for being gay. We didn’t mind at first but we always wondered about the big sums of money he would give David.”

They add that it was a short lived bromance and soon David was broke and desperate.
Luckily according to them the church set up for them a poultry project with David Mukulu in charge but his love forca lavish lifestyle soon saw him run down the project.

“The project had about 300 birds that slowly grew to 500 but David Mukulu would use the money from sales or given to him to add into the project to go for outings where he would splash money and soon the project started collapsing.”
They add that when David realised this he used the last sums of money to travel to Thailand in such for a better life but that the only good things he came back with after a short lived sojourn were pictures of his memories there.

“To this day he does not tell us what he did in Thailand but he came back broken and his desperate situation had skyrocketed,” David Muto reveals.

Ricky Montana adds that the David Mukulu they know will go to all lengths to try and go to Canada and thus when the bait to make a quick buck came in they were not surprised to seem him jump on it

” lI rarely dont want to involve innocent people in such scandals but it hurt me when I saw David Mukulu swear by his child that Pastor Kayanja sodomized him and yet he clearly knows that he abandoned that child and doesn’t provide support but that is a story for another day,” one of them chips him.

David Muto calls out to David Mukulu to seek forgiveness because the little money he might have earned from the whole saga will not be helpful in his life and would always haunt him.

“We were each promised 3m to make the allegations and maybe when we refused Mukulu and Bayichi were given more but sincerely why would one do such a thing for money let alone such a very small amount that will have no impact on their life.”


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